Wednesday, April 29, 2020


Extended of 7 days we are reaching the final day of Earth Week, and feel we have not heard much to encourage Planet Earth to get better so wrapped up in the consequences of our behaviour patterns which could cause more phenomenal catastrophes if we keep going as we are...
And from lockdown window into the garden, on the second wet day since 13 March lockdown start here... the green seems to do fine outside...

Tuesday, April 21, 2020


Once in a while we are told to open our doors and windows and start clapping....
Then we are told to stay in and keep distances...
Not sure what to make of consistency from these messages...

Thursday, April 16, 2020

LDN Angel Wings

Are you ready to rock?

Power Days

Have you noticed some like to skip over the Life Given Power Day?
Usually those have a strong group of kind people around who might wish
1- to be remembered on their Power Day
2- to have a chance to express good wishes and warm feelings to the Powered guies

Yet all this is silenced and over the years silenced positive expression of life gifts become heavy,

Like being silenced by the tree of knowledge and bearing the guilt for millennia...
Like wearing a mask against one wishes...
Silenced... Robbed...

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Greener hands...

Forget green thumbs, when was the last time you put these amazing hands to great use?

Here is a piece of lace discovered in an old box and soon to be covered with boiling water after rolling into red onion skins from today’s lunch... to leave overnight and check tomorrow...
And while this lockdown last here is a piece which had me in stitches...
From another fellow creative gardener who advertised on Jooble the following which came through my box as pattern cutting was mentioned

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Visage Cache

CacheCache ... what we used to play as kids, now growing up in worlds of virtual games and less virtual realities, could Use new hide and seek accessories To help screen unwished for very real yet invisible components ...

And while here, how about printing more papers? Found out from friend the Sainsbury delivery substitute for her Guardian is the Sun ...

For those looking online, is SoulMate really a match for exotic pursuits....? In case still hoping or looking for something a bit less vaporous, here are some excellent options to spend time wisely...

Very helpful Realism in times of great need, and green too, thank you Guardian....


Sunday, April 5, 2020

The Air Virus

Sharing air has become more of a virtual reality than ever before.
We do not know much about this new virus except that it can spread via little droplets shared via the air we breathe or surfaces we touch...

Following instructions and staying home makes sense to curve the spread, but what about the outside group clapping moments shared, although for a really good cause, would that not break the rule of 2 meters distancing between neighbours?
We would like the experts to express views on this please: how does the virus travel through the air?

And would there be a link between this and the spread of the virus, if we follow the logic of the benefits of social distancing to help the NHS? Which in a strange twist of fate we wish to thank by exactly doing the contrary of what we are supposed to do to help them?

Isn’t there a link between such demonstrations and the rates of propagation? When looking at Spain I really feel sad and wonder whether there might be a link, knowing they bravely clap every day.

What could we do to display group felt thanks without harm?
A lot go on virtual air and do great Zoom fundraising such as
FeedNHS with health initiatives to help people understand more about their health and how to take care on a daily basis.

#shareair #virtualair #airvirus #protectlogic #groupthanks #hallspace #draftdoors

Would a drafty common hall used frequently by upstairs lodgers in a 2 up 2 down with poor quality doors allowing air draft through offer an invitation to the the Air Virus to come in uninvited?
And when looking at protected emergency services entering a house where someone has the virus, how can we then ourselves enter the house without knowing about each other sharing the same common Hall space, which in some cases can also be shared by Airbnb visitors?

The Human Touch

  A Stitchuation not to be missed... As the moon gently passes behind our earth this morning, to momentarily disappear from the sun rays, as...